Science Seminars from Harvard

Oooh Harvard is doing some pretty interesting free seminars. I love things like this and wish these types of things could happen more often. Science doesn’t deserve to get locked into an ivory tower.

Most of the topics are pretty popular right now, but someone aren’t, and this is all really cool, guys :D. The topics and their dates are (along with my commentary)

Antibiotic Resistance: Super drugs for superbugs (9/25)

I’m kind of sad this one’s already passed, because antibiotic resistance is pretty damn important.  The CDC on antibiotic resistance.

Earth Formation: The making of planet Earth (10/2)

….I’m a biologist, I have little clue, I’m sorry!

Sparking Scientific Curiosity: (R)evolutions in the way we teach and learn (10/9)

Communicating science is one of the things I think isn’t taught particularly often and is often not emphasized enough, which is kind of why I’m glad Harvard is doing this entire thing after all :D.

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